4 for 4. April Shows: DC, NY, CT, DC, news...
<> Sunday, April 2nd, 8:30 pm, Bossa, 2463 18th St. NW, DC
<> Friday, April 7th, 8 pm, R&R, 416 West 14th St. (between 9th + Washington) Manhattan, NY
<> Saturday, April 8th, Northeast Climate Conference, Yale University, New Haven, CT. In terms of student organizing on Climate Change this is where it's f**!!ng at: www.climatecampaign.org I couldn't be more psyched to rock this one
<> Friday, April 21st, 8 pm, Potters House 1658 Columbia Rd, NW DC: this is my BIG benefit for Shaw EcoVillage (www.shawecovillage.org) a great local DC non-profit that gets youth empowered to make sustainable urban communities, $10 suggested donation. Bring the whole family. Lots of music, special guests, good cheap homey food, historic DC bookstore/ performance space.
<> Sprouting Daisies Out of My Hair is now available in a store: Revolution Records 4215 Connecticut Ave. NW, DC, yeah. If you're in the neighborhood (Van Ness) go pick one up and browse their quality indie collection
<> I think I can safely say that the next album is underway...exact release date TBA, but probably sometime this summer...get ready for lots of the stuff you've been hearin' at shows...same acoustic hip hop, but with more umph!...Lisette'll be singing in the there for sure. It's gonna be big, get ready.
<> ps...if you've got an idea for a local spot that needs some ukulele-hip-hop don't hesitate to let me know...I'm down for livingrooms, dorm-rooms, vegetable gardens