Sprouting Daisies

Monday, September 25, 2006

'Guru' video!!

Couldn't be prouder to be posting my first ever music video. Shot over the spring and summer with our good friend/independent film-maker Mark Betancourt. It was a mighty collaboration - sort of took shape as it went. Mark (who by chance was blessed with equal and unusually heaping portions of creativity and heart) pushed us, pulled us, woke us up in the middle of the night, and occasionally cooked us dinner. Lisette generously bestowed up on us her time and magick, I tried to stay focused and not act like a 6 year-old. Carrie and Lindsay and Heather and this great dude in front of our apartment helped us out, too, with secret low-budget special effects and stuff. Bryan lent Mark the camera. Not to mention the other people who helped us in ways I'm not supposed to talk about, or in ways they weren't even aware of. (Mwa ha ha) . Please enjoy, pass on to everyone and anyone, and keep passing it.

Here are the words in case you were wondering:


boodoodbabababdodbaodbdoddoodwabadayda da da

i met you at the moment rain turned into snow, said "you wanna go back to my place and drink a bowl of cocoa?" oh no, am i going loco for the this lady so so fast? i've only been solo since last week, but you know i can't keep my dreams to myself, she said "please help yourself, there's a box on the shelf, why not at least share the wealth?" i think i was hearing bells, but the landlady smelled something funny coming from the other room, peaked under the window, kicked us out the next afternoon. i was like, "oh well-" wasn't too early to tell that baby living without you would be hell.


cause you're my
guru my rugu my shoobeedoowop pop stop before i get a booboo
cause you knew just what to do: voodoo,
it's up to you, true blue and stuck like glue cause i must have you....my....


boodoobapo ba do ba dabda bdo.....

well there was
something between us and nothing inbetween, know what i mean? lean mean rabble rousing machines. well you remember the scene, right? it was halloween night, and you looked so dream like, queen like, it was almost movie-screen like, when you gave me the green light to hook up my steam-pipe, and i could have beamed right up up to heaven no second guessing no stressing no lessons learned from past transgressions, the last weapon in the battle against depression is re-setting, and you keep letting on that your feelings are getting strong, maybe we're getting to where we belong, getting up at the break of dawn, to catch you getting out of the shower with your towel on, smile on, and i'm thinking, "how long can these wonders pile on?" but anyway meanwhile, lets ride on, uh.

cause your my guru...

life is long
longer than this song
as long as it takes to make it to find where we belong

love is true
true as me and you
and blue as you'd be knowing there's nothing you could do


scat. out


  • Nice one,
    Glad to catch up with it.
    Best regards to you both and keep it going,

    By Blogger Daniel Lobo, at 1:57 PM  

  • Holy Cats Jon,
    That's as hip as it gets.
    Great work!

    By Blogger toddburge, at 4:05 PM  

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    By Blogger alex, at 3:28 AM  

  • Kamp wanted, fust off, an' he got it. xanax. Poor creature, how I pity phentermine her! Thank heaven, nobody that I know goes to her parties.. Peterson Fluker, generally called Pink, for his fondness for as stylish dressing as he could afford, was one of that sort of men who habitually calcium seem busy and efficient when they are not.. Thus, even the theory of partial sleep has come into play; but the characteristics of the sleeping state have been found not in the dilapidation of the psychic connections but in the cessation of the psychic system trazodone dominating the day, arising from its desire to sleep.. I'd 'a' been willin' to let accounts keep on a-runnin', digoxin knowin' what a straightforrards sort o' man you was.. I reckon to leave you and Zaidee together adderall to talk it out, she said; turning to her daughter, she added, Jest you tell him all, Zaidee, and before the Colonel could rise again, disappeared from the room.. The terrified horse sped on as if a red and yellow demon calcium were after him.. And they shook hands aspirin over a new compact.. It seems to me viagra plausible that he was eighteen.. He is much excited during this acyclovir semi-sleeping state, and repeats continually, Phenyl, phenyl.. In truth, there was something deeper than vanity in the feelings with which he regarded Ellen Kingsbury. pepcid. H'm, Reverend Le--well, there was a feller here once by the name of Jim Smiley, in the winter of '49--or may be it was the spring of '50--I don't recollect exactly, somehow, though what makes me think it was one or the other is because I remember the big flume warn't finished when he first came to the camp; but any way, he was the curiousest man about always betting on anything that turned up you ever see, if he could get anybody zantac to bet on the other side; and if he couldn't he'd change sides.. I know that you are carrying the ticket for to-day's concert in penicillin your bag.. Once, in passing the plate, yasmin he slipped one o' them peppermint lozenges with the letters stamped on it 'I love you' for me to take.. If I am, allegra she chirped, cheerily, I'm not hurt half as bad as I would have been if the squire had beat you, deacon...

    By Blogger alex, at 12:05 PM  

  • Kamp wanted, fust off, an' he got it. lamictal. Poor creature, how I pity potassium her! Thank heaven, nobody that I know goes to her parties.. Peterson Fluker, generally called Pink, for his fondness for as stylish dressing as he could afford, was one of that sort of men who habitually paroxetine seem busy and efficient when they are not.. Thus, even the theory of partial sleep has come into play; but the characteristics of the sleeping state have been found not in the dilapidation of the psychic connections but in the cessation of the psychic system viagra dominating the day, arising from its desire to sleep.. I'd 'a' been willin' to let accounts keep on a-runnin', lipitor knowin' what a straightforrards sort o' man you was.. I reckon to leave you and Zaidee together ativan to talk it out, she said; turning to her daughter, she added, Jest you tell him all, Zaidee, and before the Colonel could rise again, disappeared from the room.. The terrified horse sped on as if a red and yellow demon synthroid were after him.. And they shook hands calcium over a new compact.. It seems to me reglan plausible that he was eighteen.. He is much excited during this levitra semi-sleeping state, and repeats continually, Phenyl, phenyl.. In truth, there was something deeper than vanity in the feelings with which he regarded Ellen Kingsbury. cialis. H'm, Reverend Le--well, there was a feller here once by the name of Jim Smiley, in the winter of '49--or may be it was the spring of '50--I don't recollect exactly, somehow, though what makes me think it was one or the other is because I remember the big flume warn't finished when he first came to the camp; but any way, he was the curiousest man about always betting on anything that turned up you ever see, if he could get anybody ambien to bet on the other side; and if he couldn't he'd change sides.. I know that you are carrying the ticket for to-day's concert in neurontin your bag.. Once, in passing the plate, percocet he slipped one o' them peppermint lozenges with the letters stamped on it 'I love you' for me to take.. If I am, penicillin she chirped, cheerily, I'm not hurt half as bad as I would have been if the squire had beat you, deacon...

    By Blogger alex, at 8:33 PM  

  • Kamp wanted, fust off, an' he got it. paxil. Poor creature, how I pity fioricet her! Thank heaven, nobody that I know goes to her parties.. Peterson Fluker, generally called Pink, for his fondness for as stylish dressing as he could afford, was one of that sort of men who habitually thyroid seem busy and efficient when they are not.. Thus, even the theory of partial sleep has come into play; but the characteristics of the sleeping state have been found not in the dilapidation of the psychic connections but in the cessation of the psychic system phentermine dominating the day, arising from its desire to sleep.. I'd 'a' been willin' to let accounts keep on a-runnin', prednisone knowin' what a straightforrards sort o' man you was.. I reckon to leave you and Zaidee together phentermine to talk it out, she said; turning to her daughter, she added, Jest you tell him all, Zaidee, and before the Colonel could rise again, disappeared from the room.. The terrified horse sped on as if a red and yellow demon zoloft were after him.. And they shook hands cialis over a new compact.. It seems to me celebrex plausible that he was eighteen.. He is much excited during this alprazolam semi-sleeping state, and repeats continually, Phenyl, phenyl.. In truth, there was something deeper than vanity in the feelings with which he regarded Ellen Kingsbury. lorazepam. H'm, Reverend Le--well, there was a feller here once by the name of Jim Smiley, in the winter of '49--or may be it was the spring of '50--I don't recollect exactly, somehow, though what makes me think it was one or the other is because I remember the big flume warn't finished when he first came to the camp; but any way, he was the curiousest man about always betting on anything that turned up you ever see, if he could get anybody lithium to bet on the other side; and if he couldn't he'd change sides.. I know that you are carrying the ticket for to-day's concert in levitra your bag.. Once, in passing the plate, norco he slipped one o' them peppermint lozenges with the letters stamped on it 'I love you' for me to take.. If I am, topamax she chirped, cheerily, I'm not hurt half as bad as I would have been if the squire had beat you, deacon...

    By Blogger alex, at 1:32 AM  

  • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

    By Blogger alex, at 10:57 PM  

  • it’s very cool here Istanbul Escorts don’t you think so?

    By Blogger Howdy, at 5:26 AM  

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